Our technology

Innovative sensation restoration technology.

At TENGABLE, we develop a man-machine-interface based solution; a self-powered triboelectric nano generator (TENG), that is implanted under the skin and transforms mechanical load into electricity.
The nanogenerator is connected to the nearest healthy sensory nerve and stimulates it to restore touch sensation in the patient. 

We developed a tactile sensor that is based on a Tribo-Electric Nano-Generator (TENG).

It converts mechanical energy into an electric charge using the triboelectric effect.
Similar to the way rubbing a balloon against one’s head creates static charge, applying pressure causes the TENG’s layers to touch and creates electricity.

What makes us different

The Ts-TENG will be implanted under the skin of the desensitized finger.

Applying pressure on the Ts-TENG will generate an electrical signal.

The electrical signal will be delivered using isolated cables to a stimulating cuff electrode wrapped around the closet undamaged afferent nerve fiber.

A touch sensation signal can be delivered to the CNS.

We developed a tactile sensor that is based on a Tribo-Electric Nano-Generator (TENG).

It converts mechanical energy into an electric charge using the triboelectric effect.
Similar to the way rubbing a balloon against one’s head creates static charge, applying pressure causes the TENG’s layers to touch and creates electricity.

What makes us different

The Ts-TENG will be implanted under the skin of the desensitized finger.

The electrical signal will be delivered using isolated cables to a stimulating cuff electrode wrapped around the closet undamaged afferent nerve fiber.

Applying pressure on the Ts-TENG will generate an electrical signal.

A touch sensation signal can be delivered to the CNS.

Find out more how it all works

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Barnea 4, Katzrin
1295502 Israel

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